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Making dbt Cloud API calls using dbt-cloud-cli

· 13 min read

dbt Cloud is a hosted service that many organizations use for their dbt deployments. Among other things, it provides an interface for creating and managing deployment jobs. When triggered (e.g., cron schedule, API trigger), the jobs generate various artifacts that contain valuable metadata related to the dbt project and the run results.

dbt Cloud provides a REST API for managing jobs, run artifacts and other dbt Cloud resources. Data/analytics engineers would often write custom scripts for issuing automated calls to the API using tools cURL or Python Requests. In some cases, the engineers would go on and copy/rewrite them between projects that need to interact with the API. Now, they have a bunch of scripts on their hands that they need to maintain and develop further if business requirements change. If only there was a dedicated tool for interacting with the dbt Cloud API that abstracts away the complexities of the API calls behind an easy-to-use interface… Oh wait, there is: the dbt-cloud-cli!

In this blog post I’ll shine some light on how the dbt-cloud-cli project came to be and how it can make a data/analytics engineer’s work easier. I’ll also walk you through an example use case where we download a dbt Cloud job run catalog.json artifact and implement a simple data catalog app using the same tools that were used in creating dbt-cloud-cli.

What is dbt-cloud-cli and why should you use it?

What kicked off this project came from the fact that there is currently no easy-to-use interface for the dbt Cloud API. In order to make calls to the API you’d need to write custom scripts that use tools like cURL or Python Requests. There’s nothing inherently wrong with custom scripts but there is an overhead in writing and maintaining those scripts.

Readability is also a factor the importance of which cannot be overstated. With most programming languages, the ratio of time reading vs writing code is well over 10:1. Good code is easily readable and understandable by ourselves and other developers and it minimizes the cognitive load of deciphering what was the original intention of the author.

dbt-cloud-cli is a command line interface (CLI) that abstracts dbt Cloud API calls behind a user-friendly and elegant interface. The CLI is written in Python using pydantic and click. Let me demonstrate the difference in complexity and readability between cURL vs dbt-cloud-cli for triggering a dbt Cloud job run:

curl -H "Authorization:Token $DBT_CLOUD_API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"cause":"Triggered using cURL"}'$DBT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID/jobs/43167/run/

You probably agree that the latter example is definitely more elegant and easier to read. dbt-cloud handles the request boilerplate (e.g., api token in the header, endpoint URL) so that you don’t need to worry about authentication or remember which endpoint to use. Also, the CLI implements additional functionality (e.g., --wait) for some endpoints; for example, dbt cloud job run --wait will issue the job trigger, wait until the job finishes, fails or is cancelled and then prints out the job status response.

In addition to CLI commands that interact with a single dbt Cloud API endpoint there are composite helper commands that call one or more API endpoints and perform more complex operations. One example of composite commands are dbt-cloud job export and dbt-cloud job import where, under the hood, the export command performs a dbt-cloud job get and writes the job metadata to a JSON file and the import command reads job parameters from a JSON file and calls dbt-cloud job create. The export and import commands can be used in tandem to move dbt Cloud jobs between projects. Another example is the dbt-cloud job delete-all which fetches a list of all jobs using dbt-cloud job list and then iterates over the list prompting the user if they want to delete the job. For each job that the user agrees to delete a dbt-cloud job delete is performed.

To install the CLI in your Python environment run pip install dbt-cloud-cli and you’re all set. You can use it locally in your development environment or e.g. in a GitHub actions workflow.

How the project came to be

I’m a freelance data and analytics engineer and almost all of the projects I work with involve dbt Cloud one way or another. In a typical project, we’d set up a simple “run and test” job in dbt Cloud that is scheduled to run once or twice a day. Often there’d also be a continuous integration job that runs on Pull Requests in GitHub.

These two job triggering methods (i.e., cron and PR trigger) are sufficient in most projects, but there are some cases where additional control over when a job is run or what else is executed in the job’s context is needed. For example, you may need to load data to your database before a job is run or download artifacts after the run is finished.

In my case, we didn’t yet have an EL pipeline for an external data source. So, we hacked together a simple Python script for loading the data and ran the script as part of our CI workflow in GitHub Actions before triggering a dbt Cloud job. This would ensure that the data in our database was up-to-date before the job ran.

Initially, we issued the dbt Cloud API requests to trigger job runs using cURL and it worked perfectly fine until we needed to implement a waiting loop that periodically checked the job status and returned when the job was finished. Luckily I found a Python script by Sean McIntyre (see the dbt Discourse post) that does exactly this.

I modified the script according to our needs and wrapped it in a dbt-cloud job run CLI command using click (actually the entry point wasn’t dbt-cloud at that time but you get the idea). Click (“Command Line Interface Creation Kit”) is a Python library for creating CLIs with as little code as necessary. Implementing a simple CLI using click only requires adding a few decorators (e.g., group, command and option) to the functions in your code and you’re good to go.

Now we had exactly what we wanted and our CI workflow in GitHub actions looked slick:

- name: Trigger dbt Cloud job run
run: |
dbt-cloud job run --job-id $DBT_CLOUD_JOB_ID

Fast forward a month or two and there was another client that needed something similar. I felt that this was an opportunity to open source the project not just to benefit me and my clients but also the broader dbt community (❤️). So, I moved the project to a public github repository with a goal of eventually covering all of the dbt Cloud API endpoints.

While working with the initial 0.1.0 release that included only the dbt-cloud job run command I decided to have some fun and try how well pydantic (Python dataclasses on steroids!) and click worked together. I’m a big fan of pydantic, and I’ve used it in a wide variety of projects including machine learning models and automated testing software for a medical device. Even though Python has had built-in dataclasses since version 3.7, they fall short when it comes to data validation and general developer ergonomics (IMO) and that’s where pydantic comes in; among other things, pydantic implements a validator decorator that is used to define custom validations for model fields (e.g., CLI arguments).

I refactored the dbt-cloud-cli code so that the CLI commands were now implemented as pydantic models where the model fields are the dbt Cloud API endpoint arguments. The pydantic model fields could now be translated to click arguments which resulted in the following CLI command implementation pattern:

import click
from dbt_cloud.command import DbtCloudJobGetCommand
def dbt_cloud():
def job():

def get(**kwargs):
command = DbtCloudJobGetCommand.from_click_options(**kwargs)

After the initial release I started to expand to cover the rest of the dbt Cloud API endpoints. For a list of all the covered API endpoints and implemented CLI commands, see

Creating a data catalog app using dbt Cloud artifacts

In this example we’ll download a catalog.json artifact from the latest run of a dbt Cloud job using dbt-cloud run list and dbt-cloud get-artifact and then write a simple Data Catalog CLI application using the same tools that are used in dbt-cloud-cli (i.e., click and pydantic). Let’s dive right in!

The first command we need is the dbt-cloud run list which uses an API endpoint that returns runs sorted by creation date, with the most recent run appearing first. The command returns a JSON response that has one top-level attribute data that contains a list of runs. We’ll need to extract the id attribute of the first one and to do that we use jq:

latest_run_id=$(dbt-cloud run list --job-id $DBT_CLOUD_JOB_ID | jq .data[0].id -r)

Next, we use the dbt-cloud get-artifact command to download the catalog.json artifact:

dbt-cloud run get-artifact --run-id $latest_run_id --path catalog.json -f catalog.json

To explore the downloaded catalog file we’ll write a simple CLI application. The catalog.json has four top level properties: metadata, nodes, sources and errors. In this example we explore the nodes and sources only and leave the metadata and errors out.

First, we need a Catalog abstraction that reflects the catalog JSON schema:

from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Stats(BaseModel):
"""Represent node stats in the Catalog."""

id: str
label: str
value: Any
include: bool
description: str

def __str__(self):
return f"{self.label}: {self.value}"

class Column(BaseModel):
"""Represents a column in the Catalog."""

type: str
index: int
name: str
comment: Optional[str]

def __str__(self):
return f"{} (type: {self.type}, index: {self.index}, comment: {self.comment})"

class Node(BaseModel):
"""Represents a node in the Catalog."""

unique_id: str
metadata: Dict[str, Optional[str]]
columns: Dict[str, Column]
stats: Dict[str, Stats]

def name(self):
return self.metadata["name"]

def database(self):
return self.metadata["database"]

def schema(self):
return self.metadata["schema"]

def type(self):
return self.metadata["type"]

def __gt__(self, other):
return >

def __lt__(self, other):
return <

def __str__(self):
return f"{} (type: {self.type}, schema: {self.schema}, database: {self.database})"

class Catalog(BaseModel):
"""Represents a dbt catalog.json artifact."""

metadata: Dict
nodes: Dict[str, Node]
sources: Dict[str, Node]
errors: Optional[Dict]

The four abstractions (Stats,Column, Node and Catalog) all inherit the pydantic BaseModel which implements various methods for parsing files and other python objects into model instances. We’ll leave the parsing to pydantic (i.e., BaseModel.parse_file classmethod) so that we can focus solely on the app logic.

The CatalogExploreCommand abstraction implements the CLI app which is then wrapped in a click.command that implements the CLI entry point. The CatalogExploreCommand class inherits ClickBaseModel that implements a click_options classmethod which we’ll use to decorate the entry point. This method is where the pydantic to click translation magic happens (i.e., pydantic model fields are translated into click options). Note that the app uses inquirer in addition to click to create interactive “select option from a list” CLI prompts.

import click
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from pydantic import Field
from dbt_cloud.command.command import ClickBaseModel

class NodeType(Enum):
SOURCE = "source"
NODE = "node"

class CatalogExploreCommand(ClickBaseModel):
"""An inteactive application for exploring catalog artifacts."""

file: Path = Field(default="catalog.json", description="Catalog file path.")
title: str = Field(
default="Data Catalog", description="ASCII art title for the app."
title_font: str = Field(
description="ASCII art title font (see for a list of available fonts)",

def get_catalog(self) -> Catalog:
return Catalog.parse_file(self.file)

def print_title(self):
from art import tprint

tprint(self.title, font=self.title_font)

def execute(self):
import inquirer


while True:
node_type_options = [
message="Select node type to explore",
choices=[node_type.value for node_type in NodeType],
node_type = NodeType(inquirer.prompt(node_type_options)["node_type"])
if not click.confirm("Explore another node type?"):

def explore(self, node_type: NodeType):
"""Interactive exploration of nodes to explore and display their metadata"""
import inquirer

catalog = self.get_catalog()
if node_type == NodeType.SOURCE:
nodes = list(catalog.sources.values())
nodes = list(catalog.nodes.values())

while True:
databases = sorted(set(map(lambda x: x.database, nodes)))
database_options = [
inquirer.List("database", message="Select database", choices=databases)
database = inquirer.prompt(database_options)["database"]
nodes_filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.database == database, nodes))

schemas = sorted(set(map(lambda x: x.schema, nodes_filtered)))
schema_options = [
inquirer.List("schema", message="Select schema", choices=schemas)
schema = inquirer.prompt(schema_options)["schema"]
nodes_filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.schema == schema, nodes_filtered))

node_options = [
"node", message="Select node", choices=sorted(nodes_filtered)
node = inquirer.prompt(node_options)["node"]
click.echo(f"{} columns:")
for column in node.columns.values():
click.echo(f"- {column}")
for stats in node.stats.values():
if == "has_stats":
if not click.confirm(f"Explore another {node_type.value}?"):

def data_catalog(**kwargs):
command = CatalogExploreCommand.from_click_options(**kwargs)

The CatalogExploreCommand.execute method implements the interactive exploration logic. First the app prompts to select a node type to explore (source or node) and then it asks the user to select a database, a schema in the selected database and finally a model in the selected schema. The app then prints out the model columns and stats (if there are any). All this is wrapped in a loop with “Explore another node? [y/N]” and “Explore another node type? [y/N]” prompts for either continuing the loop or breaking out of it.

I’ve included the app in the latest version of dbt-cloud-cli so you can test it out yourself! To use the app you need install dbt-cloud-cli with extra dependencies:

pip install dbt-cloud-cli[demo]

Now you can the run app:

dbt-cloud demo data-catalog --file catalog.json

Parting thoughts

To summarize, the dbt-cloud-cliI implements an easy-to-use command line interface for the dbt Cloud API which abstracts away the complexities of the API calls. The CLI has interfaces to many of the API endpoints and covering all of the endpoints is on the project’s roadmap. For a list of all the covered API endpoints and implemented CLI commands, see

In addition to commands that interact with a single dbt Cloud API endpoint there are composite helper commands that call one or more API endpoints and perform more complex operations (e.g., dbt-cloud job export and dbt-cloud job import).

The dbt-cloud-cli makes interacting with the dbt Cloud API a breeze compared to using and maintaining custom cURL/ Python Requests scripts. Furthermore, dbt-cloud-cli commands handle all the API call boilerplate under the hood so that you don’t need to google or memorize how to interact with the API. And when in doubt, just add a --help flag to a dbt-cloud-cli command and you’ll get a list of all the available commands or arguments.

PS. There are still API endpoints that haven’t been implemented in the CLI. If there’s an endpoint you’d like a CLI command for you can open an issue in the GitHub repository. All contributions to the project (be it documentation in README or new CLI commands) are welcome! If you have any questions on the project or how to contribute, feel free to drop me a DM in dbt Slack.

